A new category of system model, multiserver multiqueuenetwork(MSMQN), is proposed for distributed systems such as thegeographically distributed Web-server clusters. A MSMQN comprisesmultiple multiserver multiqueue(MSMQ)nodes distributed over thenetwork, and every node consists of a number of servers that eachcontains multiple priority queues for waiting customers. An in-coming request can be distributed to a waiting queue of any server inany node, according to the routing policy integrated by the node-selection policy at network-level, request-dispatching policy atnode-level, and request-scheduling policy at server-level.
A new category of system model, multiserver multiqueuenetwork(MSMQN), is proposed for distributed systems such as thegeographically distributed Web-server clusters. A MSMQN comprisesmultiple multiserver multiqueue(MSMQ)nodes distributed over thenetwork, and every node consists of a number of servers that eachcontains multiple priority queues for waiting customers. An in-coming request can be distributed to a waiting queue of any server inany node, according to the routing policy integrated by the node-selection policy at network-level, request-dispatching policy atnode-level, and request-scheduling policy at server-level.
[This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90104002 and 60173012), the Projects of Development Plan of the State Key Fundamental Research (No. G1999032707) and the Projects of Development Plan of the Stat