为解决由CAD矿图转成TF1M3D通风仿真可调用的数据问题,提出在原CAD矿图中从绘制矿井单线图时,标注系统构筑物和全部矿井通风信息.用线(Line)实体表达巷道,实体中赋予巷道标高和连通关系;用多义线(Polyline)表达风筒;用圆(Circle)表达增阻门(即风门、风窗或调节门等)和通风机,其中增阻门是按余弦定理判定圆心与巷道线距离最小来识别,按圆心捕捉在巷道端点来识别通风机,处在独立端点上的就是主要通风机.根据上述规则,编制了提取矿井单线图DXF文件信息的Matlab程序(TF1M3D_data DXF.m).研究结果表明:通过行扫描DXF文件,筛选寻找标志码AcDb Line、AcDb Text、AcDbCircle,可识别出矿井巷道拓扑信息和所有的通风参数,快速实现矿井立体巷道网和通风系统的快速建模,可与TF1M3D调用需求无缝对接.
In order to solve the data problem that is callable from CAD map to TF1M3D ventilation simulation,it is proposed to mark the structure of the system and all the ventilation information of the mine when drawing the single line map of the mine from the original CAD map.The roadway is expressed by solid line,which gives roadway elevation and connected relation in entity;air duct is expressed by polyline;resistance gate(i.e.air door,air window or adjusting door,etc.) and ventilator are expressed by circle,in which the resistance gate is identified by the least distance between the center of the circle and the roadway line according to the cosine theorem,captured at the end of the tunnel according to center of a circle to identify ventilator,the main fan is at the independent end.According to above rule,Matlab program TF1M3D_dataDXF.m that extracts the DXF file information of mine single line drawing is composed.The practical application indicates that mine roadway topological information and all ventilation parameters can be recognized by scanning the DXF file,filtering to find the symbol codes AcDbLine,AcDbText,AcDbCircle,to fast realize rapid modeling of three-dimensional mine roadway network and ventilation system,which can conduct seamless joint with TF1M3D calling requirements.
Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science)