自改革开放以来 ,外商企业直接投资中国林业的规模和质量迅速上升 ,投资区域集中在中国亚热带和热带地区 ,以合作、租赁以及收购等方式稳步发展。 2 0世纪 90年代开始 ,我国鼓励外商投资林业的法律环境基本形成 ;进入 2 1世纪 ,林业财政税收、森林采伐更新管理、森林资产抵押、森林资产的市场化等问题成为制约外资林业可持续发展的制度约束。本文就上述林业政策法律环境和问题进行了比较系统的整理 。
From reforming and opening up on,the scale and quality of foreign forestry investment in sub tropic and tropic regions in china had rapidly gone up.The law and policy structure about encouraging foreign enterprise to invest in forestry had been established since 1990s.As China enter WTO in 21 century,some forestry policy and laws such as finance and tax policy,forest renovating policy,forest asset mortagage and marketing policy cant meat the need of foreign forestry sustainable development.So the paper analyzed above issues and further point out the policy and law optimizing proposals.
Issues of Forestry Economics
国家科技部科研院所社会公益性重点研究项目"社会林业创新工程和创新体系的研究与实施" (2 0 0 1DIA5 0 76 )