本文以现代林业理论和系统工程理论为指导 ,以增加森林资源总量 ,提高森林质量 ,营建一个分布均衡、结构合理、效益兼顾的森林生态环境 ,实现国土长治久安和经济社会可持续发展为目标 ,调整、优化森林时空分布 ,改善森林结构为手段 ,按照点、线、面结合的形态要求 ,建立布局趋近合理 ,结构相对稳定 ,功能较为齐全的立体多层次。
Under the guideline of modern forestry theory and systematic engineering theory,and based on the pattern requirements of point,line and plane,this paper tries to establish multi-leveled and multi-functioned forest ecology network system,which has quite rational distribution,relatively stable structure,quite prefect function and good benefit.The measure is adjusting and optimizing space-time distribution of forest and improve forest quality,to establish forest ecology environment,which has balanced distribution,rational structure and quite good benefit,and to realize permanent homeland security and sustainable social and economic development.
Issues of Forestry Economics