
中国大陆居民对中风的危险因素、征兆、应急处理及信息获取等相关认知的调查研究(英文) 被引量:3

Knowledge of Mainland Chinese about Stroke and Its Prevention:Risk Factors, Warning Signs, Emergency Response and Information Access
摘要 目的:以中国大陆居民为受访对象,就中风的认知和预防进行问卷调查,以推进预防中风的健康教育活动。方法:选择大陆两个主要城市(武汉和成都)公园、商场及其他公共场所的居民为对象,进行一项有关中风知识标准化的横截面问卷调查,内容包括风险因素、征兆、应急救援和信息获取。结果:846人参与问卷调查,其中55%为男性,45%为女性,平均年龄45.7岁。收集数据表明,28%的受调查居民认为高血压是主要的危险因素,头晕(29%)和麻木(20.2%)是中风常见的征兆。所有数据都显示,当中风时人们采取急救措施是有必要的。家庭/朋友(21%)及媒体(电视占19.5%,报纸占17.7%)是中风信息传播的主要途径。结论:应重视推广中国大陆地区有关中风预防的低成本高效率的教育项目,尤其是中风危险因素、征兆、应急处理和信息获取途径的相关项目。开拓多元化的途径,包括开展促进公众健康的活动,通过医疗专家和医疗设施开展健康教育活动向广大民众宣传中风常识和预防措施。 Objective: To examine the knowledge of mainland Chinese about stroke, specifically, its risk factors, warning signs, emergency response, and information access. Such information will help inform health education campaigns for stroke prevention in China. Methods: A standardized cross-sectional questionnaire study on stroke knowledge was conducted. People in parks, shopping centers, and other public areas in principally two urban cities(Wuhan and Chengdu) in China's Mainland were interviewed. Results:846 people(55% men, 45% women; mean age 45.7 years(SD16.6)) participated. Hypertension was correctly identified as a leading stroke risk factor by 28% of respondents. Dizziness(29%) and numbness(20.2%) were correctly reported as common warning signs.Almost all respondents correctly identified the need to call emergency services if someone was having a stroke. Family/friends(21%),and the media(television 19.5%; newspaper 17.7%) were reported as primary potential sources of stroke information. Conclusion:Cost-effective education programs about stroke prevention for mainland Chinese are strongly indicated, specifically, related to stroke risk factors, warning signs, emergency responseand information access. A multipronged approach is warranted including public health promotion campaigns and health education through health facilities and health professionals.
出处 《康复学报》 2015年第2期20-24,共5页 Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 中国大陆 中风危险因素 中风征兆 中风应急处理 中风教育资源 mainland Chinese stroke risk factors stroke warning signs stroke emergency response stroke educational resources
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