
欧盟条约宪法化与国际组织法律化 被引量:3

Constitntionalization of EU Treaties and Legalization of International Organization
摘要 近年来,国际组织法律化受到了国际法和国际政治学者的广泛注意。同时,欧盟条约的宪法化构成了国际组织法律化的一个重要案例。本文主要从三个方面讨论欧盟条约宪法化对国际组织法律化的启示意义:(1)欧盟条约的变化对其它国际组织是否有普遍借鉴意义?(2)欧盟条约在多大程度上有别于传统的国际法?(3)欧盟当前关于宪法问题的讨论对我们考察国际组织法律化有何启示?从欧盟的实践看,国际组织法律化是一个政治和法律互动的过程。由于顺应了当今世界政治经济现实的要求,在可以预见的未来,国际组织法律化程度很可能会有所加强。但由于国家主权和国家利益等因素的制约和各国际组织的差异,其法律化将是一个多样化、有限度、渐进发展的过程,有时还可能出现倒退。 The trend of legalization of international organizations has attracted strong interests of scholars of international politics and international law in the past few years. This paper discusses the following three questions: 1. Are the changes of the EU treaties relevant to other IOs in general? 2. To what extent the legal system of the EU differs from traditional international law? 3. What inspiration could we draw from the constitutionaliza-tion of the EU treaties in the study of the legalization of IOs? The author argues that the legalization of IOs is a dynamic process of the interaction between law and politics,and it is quite possible that the legalization of IOs be further strengthened in the foreseeable future since this development is in accordance with the development of world politics and economy. But,the process will be a divergent,limited and gradual one.
作者 王展鹏
出处 《欧洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第5期23-30,共8页 Europe
关键词 国际组织 欧盟条约 欧盟法 宪法化 法律化 International Organization Treaties of the EU Constitutionalization Legalization
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  • 1Case 302187 European Parliament v. Council (Comitology) [1988]ECR 5615,5644.
  • 2Case 36/77, AlMA v. GRECO [ 1977 ] ECR 2059,2071.
  • 3Case 131/86, UK v. Council [ 1988 ] ECR 905,932, [1988]2 CMLR 364.
  • 4Case C-292/89, R. v. Immigration Appeal Tribunal, exp. Antonissen [ 1991 ] ECR 1-745, [ 1991 ] 2 CMLR 373.
  • 5Case 283/81, CILFIT v. Italian Ministry of Health [ 1982 ] ECR 3415,3430, [ 1983 ] I CMLR 428.
  • 6Case 2,3/62, Commission v Luxembourg and Belgium[ 1962 ] ECR 425, [ 1963 ] CMLR 199.
  • 7Case 8/74 Procureue du Roi v Dassonville[ 1974]ECR 837, [1974]2 CMLR 436.
  • 8Case 75/63, Hoekstra v Bedrijfsvereniging Detailhandel[ 1964 ] [ 1964 ] ECR 177, ECR 625, [ 1965 ][ 1964] CMLR 546.CMLR 58.
  • 9Case 26/62, Van Gend en Loos v. Nederlandse Administratie der Belasfingen [ 1963 ] ECR 1, p.12,CMLR 105;
  • 10Case 6/64, Costa (Flaminio)v. ENEL[ 1964 ] ECR 585 ; [ 1964 ] CMLR 425.












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