
转入抗旱主效基因水稻苗期抗旱特性鉴定 被引量:1

Dissection of Characteristics of Drought Resistance of Rice with Being Introduced Drought Major Genes in Seeding Stage
摘要 发掘和利用抗旱基因资源是水稻抗旱育种的基础。本研究利用PVC管鉴定法,对24份转入抗旱主效基因的材料进行苗期抗旱特性鉴定,设干旱胁迫(DD)和非干旱胁迫(WW)两处理,研究中采用了最大根长、根干物质重、叶干物质重、根叶长比、分蘖数、叶面积、水份消耗量、水份利用率作为鉴定指标。研究结果显示,对于导入抗旱主效基因的材料,经苗期抗旱性鉴定都具有一定的抗旱性,但抗旱的程度有差异。胁迫下,所有材料的最大根长值超过正常生长下的值,处理间差异显著;在根叶长比、分蘖数、水份消耗量、水份利用率上部分材料表现为正增长;在根干物质重、叶干物质重、叶面积上均表现为负增长,处理间差异显著,只是个别材料的值与WW下的生长量差异不显著。鉴定出5份抗旱性表现较好的材料,5份中除IR83376-B-B-71-1外,都转入了两个以上的抗旱基因,说明聚合抗旱基因对提高抗旱性是有效的。鉴定指标间存在较好的相关性并考虑指标值测定的方便准确,最大根长、根叶长比、分蘖数、水份消耗量可作为苗期较好的抗旱性鉴定指标。 Exploring and utilizing the drought gene resources are the base of drought resistance rice breeding. 24 materials with being introduced drought major gene were dissected by the method of PVC pipe identification technology in seedlings stage under drought stress(DD) and keep water at field capacity(WW). Traits of maximum root length, root dry mass weight, leaf dry mass weight, ratio of root length and leaf length, tiller number, leaf area,water consume weight, water use efficiency were identified as indicator. The research results showed that compared with WW, the datum of maximum root length was increasing in all materials; the data of other indicators of ratio of root length and leaf length, tiller number, water consume weight, water use efficiency were increasing in some materials; but root dry mass weight, leaf dry mass weight and leaf area were decreasing in all materials. 5 materials were showed better drought resistance, which were introduced over 2 drought major genes except IR83376-B-B-71-1, showing it was effective to pyramid over 2 drought major genes. According to better correlations among traits and indicator being easy measured, max root depth, ratio of root length and shoot length, tiller number, water consume weight were better used as indicator.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1827-1834,共8页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 云南省科技计划项目(2015ZA003) 国家863计划项目(2014AA10A603 2011AA10Z104)共同资助
关键词 水稻 抗旱主效基因 苗期 抗旱特性 Rice Main effect gene of drought resistance Seedling stage Drought resistance characteristics
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