目的 分析研究盐城市接种甲肝疫苗建立群体免疫屏障控制甲肝流行的效益。方法 对甲肝易感人群进行逐步免疫覆盖 ,观察人群免疫水平变化 ,参照WHO推荐的“国民收入法”评价指标。结果 1993 -2 0 0 0年 ,全市甲肝疫苗累计接种率为 3 4 15 % ,2 0 0 0年抗HAVIgG阳性率为 83 68%。 1994-2 0 0 0年因接种甲肝疫苗而减少甲肝患者 5 5 743例 ,产生的总效益为 3 45× 10 8元 ,净效益为 1 75× 10 8元 ,成本效益比为 1∶6 78。结论 大面积推广接种甲肝疫苗 ,建立有效免疫屏障 ,达到控制甲肝周期性流行的效果 ,不但产生了显著的社会效益 ,而且也产生了巨大的经济效益 ,是一项低投入、高产出的防治对策。
Objective To analyze the economic benefit in Building the Colony Immune Eefence by a Mass Vaccination of Hepatitis A in Yancheng Methods The changes of crowd immune level was observed after carrying out hepatitis A vaccmation by step among the susceptible crowd year by year referring to the evaluation index of nation-income-method recommended by WHO Results The accumulative inoculation rate of hepatitis A Vaccine was 34 15% from 1993 to 2000 The crowd positive rate of anti-HAVIgG was 83 68% in 2000 A total of 55 743 hepatitis A cases had been reduced expectantly after carrying out hepatitis A vaccination from 1993 to 2000 in Yancheng city ,the gained economic benefit was $3 45×10 8 by reducing incidence and the net benefit was $1 75×10 8 as well as the cost-benefit ratio was 1:6 78 Conclusion The results showed that the crowd positive rate of anti-HAVIgG has increased to 85% or so,the colony immune defence of hepatitis A has effectively been built and the periodic epidemics of Hepatitis A has been broken They proved not only that the social benefit was great,but also that the economic benefit was marked The preventive measures are quite effective with low cost
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
江苏省卫生厅招标课题 (990 1 1 )
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A vaccine
Colony immune defence
cost benefit ratio