为探讨糖皮质激素治疗特发性血小板减少性紫癜 (ITP)时 ,对骨密度 (BMD)的影响及预防措施 ,将44例ITP患儿分3组 ,分别为初发病组、单纯激素治疗6周组及激素加钙和维生素D治疗6周组 (混合治疗组 ) ,以30例单纯呼吸道感染、无内分泌疾患小儿为对照组 ,采用双能X线骨密度测量仪测量骨密度 ,同时进行血清、钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶、肝肾功能及脊椎X线平片检查。单纯激素治疗6周以上的ITP患儿骨密度下降 ,与初发病组、混合治疗6周组及对照组比较 ,差异均有显著意义 (P<0.01,<0.01,<0.05) ;而初发病组、混合治疗组、对照组之间比较 ,差异均无显著意义。表明单纯应用激素治疗ITP6周以上 ,对小儿骨代谢即可产生十分明显的影响 ;在激素治疗同时并用钙、维生素D治疗 。
To explore the effect of glucocorticoid on bone mineral density(BMD)in children with ITP,44 children with ITP were randomly divided into 3 groups.That is group A(untreated,n=21),group B(only received glucocorticoid treatment for six weeks,n=12)and group C(not only received glucocorticoid but also received calcium and vitamin D complement for six weeks,n=11).At the same time,30 children with no any endocrine diseases were selected as normal control(group N).The bone mineral density of the spine was determined with dual energy X-ray absorptometry.Meanwhile the serum calcium,phosphorus,alkaline phosphatase and X-ray photograme of spine were measured.In comparison with the BMD results in group N,group A and group C,the BMD in group B was significantly decreased(P<0.01,<0.01,<0.05 respectively).But,no significant difference could be found in group N,group A and C(P>0.05).Treatment with glucocorticoid for 6 weeks may result in the alteration of the BMD in children with ITP and glucocorticoid treatment combined with calcium and vitamin D may prevent bone disorders.
Journal of Clinical Pediatrics