目的为探索一种更为简便、快速、特异、灵敏的肾综合征出血热(HFRS)抗体的检测方法。方法 458例HFRS病人血清同时采用免疫滴金法(CGIDA)与酶联免疫吸附法(ELLISA)对比检测特异性免疫球蛋M抗体(抗HV-IgM)、免疫荧光法(IFAT)对比检测特异性免疫球蛋G抗体(抗HV-IgG)并以20例发热待查、48例病毒性肝炎血清作对照。结果 458例HFRS病人血清,以CGIDA法检测抗HV-IgM,阳性358例,与ELLISA法作结果评价时,CGIDA灵敏度80%,特异度100%;以CGIDA法检测抗HV-IgG,阳性386例,与IFAT法作结果评价时,CGIDA灵敏度91%,特异度100%。结论 CGIDA法检测HFRS特异性抗体分别与ELLISA法及IFAT法对照,均有简便、快速、特异、灵敏之优点,检测抗HV-IgM,CGIDA法敏感性差于ELLISA法,但是无假阳性;检测抗HV-IgM,CGIDA法的灵敏度高于IFAT法。
Objective To explore a simple, speedy, specific and sensitive method for detection of specific IgM (SIgM) and IgG (SIgG) antibody of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) . To study the therapeutic effects of traditional and western medicine on HFRS. Methods The serum of 458 patients with HFRS were tested with colloidal gold immuno- dot assay (CGIDA) for SIgM and SIgG antibody and compared with enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and a control group (20 fever of unknown cases and 48 hepatic cases) . Results With CGIDA, the rate of specificity of detected SIgM was 100% and sensitivity was 80%, detection of SIgG was 100% too, sensitivity was 91 %. Conclusion for to detection of SIgM or SlgGantibody in serum of patients with HFRS, CGIDA was more simple and speedy, more specific and sensitive than ELISA or IFAT. Though the sensitivity of CGIDA was lower than that of ELISA, the CGIDA had no false positive reaction; the sensitivity of CGIDA was higher than of IFAT on detecting anti - HV IgG.
Bulletin of Medical Research