目的 :观察甲状腺细胞体外培养的生长和分泌激素的功能特点 ,为临床治疗甲状腺功能减退 (甲减 )探索新的治疗方法。方法 :取 5~ 8个月胎龄的水囊引产新鲜甲状腺细胞进行体外培养 ,观察培养的甲状腺细胞生长特点 ,超微结构特点 ;对培养的甲状腺细胞分泌 T3、T4 的功能进行测定 ;并对 1例临床诊为甲减的患者进行了甲状腺细胞移植观察。结果 :甲状腺细胞在体外培养中 ,经组织学观察 ,细胞生长良好 ,开始为圆形、椭圆形 ,尔后为多边形 ,为上皮型细胞 ,贴瓶生长。培养 12 d后 ,细胞以生长晕为中心 ,呈放射状向四周贴瓶生长。电镜下 ,可见细胞内有大量粗面内质网、线粒体、溶酶体和胶质滴 ,经放射免疫法测定 ,培养的甲状腺细胞可分泌 T3、T4 ,以培养后的前 9d激素分泌水平较高 ,10~ 12 d激素分泌水平逐渐降低 ,随培养时间的延长 ,激素分泌处于较低水平。经统计学两两比较 ,各组均数之间的差别均有高度显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。 1例甲减病例移植甲状腺细胞后 ,临床症状大多消失 ,实验室检查 :T3由移植前的 0 .35 nmol/ L 提高到 2 .4 nmol/ L;T4 由移植前的 3.2 nmol/ L提高到 4 0 .2 nmol/ L;TSH由移植前的 6 7.5 m U/ L 下降到 18.3m U/ L。结论 :甲状腺细胞经体外短期培养 ,生长良好 ,结构正常 ,具有分泌甲状?
Objective:To observe the characteristics of the growth and the hormonal secretion of the thyroid cells cultured in vitro and to explore a new way of curing hypothyroidism by means of transplanting the thyroid cells cultured in vitro to the patient Method:The thyroid cells obtained from 20 fresh fetuses of 5~8 months of pregnancy by means of water sac abortion, were routinely cultured in vitro The characteristics of the growth and the ultrastructure of the cultured thyroid cells were observed under microscope, and the level of T 3 and T 4 secreted by the thyroid cells in medium was measured with radiato immunoassay (RIA) method Moreover, the patient, who suffered from hypothyroidism,received transplanting therapy of the cultured thyroid cells Result:The thyroid cells cultured in vitro had a good growth They had a gradual alteration in shape with the prolonged cultural time At first, the cultured cells were displayed in the round, oval and polygonal shapes, and all of them showed the epithelial like cell characteristics and grew in an adherent mode on the bottle wall After 12 days in culture, the cells spread in a radiative manner from cell growing centers A lot of RER, mitochondria, lysosomes and colloid drops were observed under EM The measured results of RIA for T3 and T4 showed that the cultured thyroid cells were able to secrete thyroid hormone (T 3 and T 4) The hormonal level was higher in first 9 days in culture and decreased gradually from 10 to 12 days, and then kept lower with the postponement of culture time The results of transplanting the thyroid cells cultured in vitro to the patient showed that the patient's clinic symptoms disappeared mostly, and the hormone in serum increased (T 3:from 0 35 nmol/L to 2 4 nmol/L; T 4:from 3 2 nmol/L to 40 2 nmol/L) and TSH decreased from 67 5 mU/L to 18 3 mU/L Conclusion:The thyroid cells can have a good growth and the normal structures and the function of the hormone secretion after a short period of cell culture in vitro The result of the clinic treatment for a hypothyroid patient showed that transplanting the cultured thyroid cells to the hypothyroid patient can mitigate the patient's condition and suggest that it may become a therapeutic option for hypothyroidism
Journal of Guangxi Medical University