通过在废水中加入NaCl电解质 ,考察了电解阳极间接氧化法制药废水的处理效果。实验分析了废水中电解质NaCl对制药废水电解过程中CODCr、色度去除的影响 ,并对不同用量NaCl电解效果进行了对比。另外还用电解质Na2 SO4 、NaNO3 作了对比实验来说明NaCl产生的电解阳极间接氧化的存在。最后对甲红霉素废水进行中试实验 ,结果表明 ,NaCl电解产生的NaClO具有极强的氧化性 ,促进了CODCr的去除 ,同时还发现 。
Experiments are conducted to study the role of anode indirect oxidation of electrolysis in treatment efficiency. In this investigation, the effects of NaCl on removing chromaticity and COD Cr of pharmaceutical wastewater have been studied. The study is also done to advance the knowledge of the influence of NaCl dosage on the electrolysis efficiency. Compared with the effects of Na 2SO 4,NaNO 3 on the electrolysis efficiency, the results show that the COD Cr removal can be mainly attributed to the indirect oxidation effect of NaCl in electrolysis process. In practical pharmaceutical wastewater treatment, the results indicate that the use of NaCl can achieve higher COD Cr removal. In addition, the existence of ammonium will result in a decreased COD Cr removal efficiency.
Industrial Water Treatment