因特网作为信息传播的新手段正改变着21世纪大学生的学习、生活和思维方式 ,并影响其世界观、人生观、价值观的形成 ,高校思想政治工作应与时俱进 ,重视利用因特网这个新工具 ,做好新时期高校大学生思想政治工作。谁先占领因特网这块思想文化阵地 ,谁就将拥有青年 ,谁就将拥有未来。
Internet,as a new means of communication,is now affecting the outlook of the world,life and value of the 21st century university students as well as their study,life and ways of thinking.We should keep pace with the time and make full use of the Internet to deal with the ideological and political work at universities. Whoever firstly occupies the Internet will owns the youth and future.
higher education forum