目前我国高等教育逐步走向大众化阶段 ,传统的教育模式已不能适应知识经济的要求 ,在大众化条件下高等教育的人才培养目标应是多样化和多层次的 ,培养模式必须是学历教育与素质教育、能力培养并重 ,通过教学模式的创新 ,可以缩短高等教育与社会需求之间的距离 ,满足社会对专业人才执业能力。
Traditional mode for higher education, in current popularization phase, has failed to fulfill the requirements of knowledge-based economy.As a mission for popularized education to assume, talent cultivation dedicates to highight both diversification and the modus operandi oriented to multi-objects. The due cultivating mode characterizes threefold importance attachment, i.e., its accentuation ranges from participants' schooling record, comprehensive quality and ability. Via mode innovation, it is supposed to fill up the gap between higher-education capacity and social demand andd therefore to ameliorate the eduated parties both professional practices and innovation creativity as required by the community.
higher education forum