文章结合高等教育教学改革与发展的需要 ,就如何保证在多设课程 ,减少课时的条件下 ,能达到较好的教学效果 ,作了系统的研究 ,并结合作者多年的教学经验提出了在教学过程中减轻学生学习负担的一般方法。
The subject for how to advance the impression of education has been discussed in this paper with the need of how to develop and reform the higher education,and how to ensure the better effect under the condition of increasing subjects and reducing the time in class,this question has been study.By the education experiences of author,a common method of reducing the difficult in study has been made know.It is to say:tackle the syllabus,fetch out the subject,bring the all contents;search the keystone from simpleness to complex;unite several contents and dream up the common formulation;classify the exercises and lessen works;set store by interest in class.
higher education forum