师德师风建设是教师队伍最根本的建设。认真抓好高校师德师风建设 ,既是贯彻落实“以德治国”方略和实施《公民道德建设实施纲要》的实际行动 ,也是高教改革发展的重要思想保障。因此必须大家共同努力 ,深入宣传教育 ,并采取有效措施。从多方面入手来加强高校师德师风建设 ,实现以德治教 ,以德修身 。
The basic building of a teaching body is the teachers' moral building.Earnestly to stress the building of teachers' moral in colleges and universities is not only to implement the general plan of 'running a country by virtue'and to carry out'the Enforcement Outline of the Citizens Morality Building',but also to significantly guarantee the ideology for the reform and development of the higher education.Therefore,we have to make joint efforts to a deeper propagation and education,as well as to take affective measures.We need to proceed from many ways to intensify teachers' moral building in higher institution so as to fulfill running education by virtue,cultivating one's moral character by virtue and educating people by virtue.
higher education forum