自 2 0世纪 70年代后期环境安全概念提出之后 ,受到联合国相关组织和各国政府的普遍重视 ,正成为新的国际安全合作领域。环境安全与传统安全观念有很大的不同 ,因而必须从新的角度重新构筑国际安全秩序。而安全的非军事化 ,或者说用综合安全弥补军事安全的不足是不可避免的趋势。
Since late 1970s, United Nation and member states have been increasingly concerned with environmental security, which constitutes a new area for international security cooperation. The threats to nation states or to international security order include scramble for scarce resources, social disturbances caused by environmental degradation, endangerment of cross border pollution and transboundary movements of hazardous wastes to national interests, biological disorder or disappearance of species of wild Fauna and Flora, challenges to national sovereignty posed by biological interferism. These threats are quite different from traditional security idea. Therefor, we need to reshape international security system from a new angle, among which security demilitarization or supplementing the shortages of military security with comprehensive security is a inevitable trend.
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