用γ射线100GY、200GY、300GY、700GY 对额洛乌且苦荞品种进行辐射处理,并在实验室播种。试验发现,随着处理剂量的增大,不同处理发芽率相同,出苗率降低,其出苗率与其主根、侧根、须根的变化规律密切相关,而根毛、侧根的发生又是由过氧化物酶同工酶、酯酸同工酶等多种同工酶控制下的细胞分化方向和分裂数目决定,而得出γ射线最终导致过氧化物酶同工酶等多种同工酶的活性变化,产生根系及植株上的差异。
Tartary buckwheat Eluowucie seeds,treated by r-rays with the dosage of 100GY,200GY,300GY and 700GY,were sowed in our laboratory.The result has shown that germinating percentages don't change with increasing dosages,emergence rates de- crease and closely interrelate to the changing characteristic features of main,lateral and fi- brous roots.The emergences of root hair and lateral roots are decided by the directions and numbers of cell differentiation controlled by several isoenzymes,e,g.,peroidase isoenzyme and esterase isoenzyme.Therefore,it is evident that r-rays cause the active changes of isoenzymes,such as peroidase isoenzyme,and lead to the differences in roots and plants.