通过图像信号分析目标移动轨迹是目前比较流行的轨迹分析方法 ,但是传统的目标轨迹提取算法是通过腐蚀算法提取目标轮廓 ,然后根据目标轮廓计算目标几何中心 ,并通过几何中心的位置变化计算目标轨迹。此算法需要先滤除无关背景 ,然后通过普通阈值变化 (又叫门限变化 )来二值化图像 ,其计算量大 ,操作不简便 ,因此提出一种简化的移动目标提取算法 ,经过编程实现 ,已经取得良好的效果。
To acquire the of track of mobile target by analyzing related image is a popular method of track analyzing, but traditional arithmetic is that target outside should be got by canker arithmetic, and then get the center of target by calculating its borderline integral and then the track of target could be got by analyzing the difference of the center, which means the background and non-related things have to be got rid of firstly, and then binary coding the image. So it is very complex, and should be made easier. An easier arithmetic is mentioned in this article ,and has got a remarkable result after programming test.
Modern Electronics Technique