本文重点介绍了斯蒂格里茨教授对于经济学的发展所作出的杰出贡献。他是信息经济学的创始人之一 ,从不对称信息的角度论证了保险市场的逆向选择、道德风险问题及金融市场的信贷配给问题 ,给予效率工资理论以新的解释 ,并提出较少信息的一方可以通过“信息甄别”获取对方的信息。他也是新凯恩斯主义经济学的代表人物 ,试图以微观经济学的原理说明宏观经济现象 ,为政府干预理论寻找依据 ,为新凯恩斯主义经济学取得主流地位作出巨大贡献。斯蒂格里获对中国的渐近性改革给予充分肯定 ,并提出过许多有益的建议。
Joseph E.Stiglitz,Laureate of Nobel economic prize of 2001 has made seminal and fundamental contributions to many subfield of economic theory.He laid the foundation of information economics.On the basis of asymmetric information,he studied the adverse select,moral hazard issues in insurance market and credit rationing in financial market and effciency-wage theory in labor market.Stiglitz has showed that poorly informed agents can extract information from the better informed through so-called screening.As a New Keynesian economist,he tried to explain the macroeconomic phenomenon on the basis of the principle of microeconomics and to seek the foundation for government intervention theory.Stiglitz praised Chinese gradualism reform and gave some helpful advice to the economic reform of China.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics