应用FW调剖技术有针对性地对 119口非钻停井区注水井采取了 4种精细调剖方案 ,对比了化学浅调剖应用前后注水井层间矛盾的缓解 ,纵向上吸水剖面的改善 ,注水量和吸水指数的变化及渗流能力的变化。结果表明 ,注水井化学浅调剖后 ,井区的连通油井明显受效 ,获得较高的增油量 ,水驱的开发效果得到改善。化学浅调剖可以有效地封堵高渗透层 ,扩大低渗透层注入水的波及体积 ,减缓注水井层间矛盾 ,实现了对注水井吸水剖面的有效调整 ,这对深化注水结构调整、挖掘各类油层潜力、提高储量动用程度有显著的效果。
From the standings of interlayer contradictions, water injection profile and swept volume, this paper analyzed and compared the effect of the technique of general chemical profile control applied in Sannan development area. The result shows that general chemical profile control can effectively shut off high permeability layers, enlarge the swept volume of low permeability layers, weaken interlayer contradictions and thus successfully adjust the water injection profile. This is of significant value for further adjusting the structure of water injection, improving the effect of water flooding, exploiting the potentials of various kinds of oil layers and increasing the percent of the working reserves.
Drilling & Production Technology