提出了建立集威胁探测与告警、信息融合与数据处理及各种对抗措施于一体的一体化防护系统。该系统应具有合同性、快速反应性、机动性以及构成的模块化和智能化的特点。详细阐述了该系统的逻辑结构、效果评价方法和量化标准 ,并可根据防护概率优选、优化防护手段。由于一体化防护系统对交通目标的防护具有主动性、实时性和针对性 ,因而可大大提高重要交通设施在战争中的生存能力。
An incorporated defensive system for the installations of important traffic that the threat detection and warning integrates with the information blend and data process and varied countermeasures is suggested. The system ought to possess the characteristics of the combined arms unit, quick response, mobility, indepedent frames and intelligence in construction. The logical construction, the method of the result evaluation and the standard in quantity of the sytem are explicated in detail. The optimum countermeasures are chosen by the defensive probability. Because the protection of the incorporated defensive system for the traffic targets is active, instantaneous and aimed, it is able to greatly improve the survivability of the installations of important traffic in the war.
Systems Engineering and Electronics