多信道多点分配系统(Mulitichannel Multipoint Distribution System MMDS)是近几年刚刚兴起和获得商业应用的宽带固定无线接入技术。它具有中宽带、中等数据传输速率以及应用灵活、设备安装速度快、投资少、收益大等特点,可以为中小企业提供各种宽带交互式数据、话音和视频传输业务,成为宽带接入技术中不可忽视的重要组成部分。
Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System (MMDS) is a newly developed technology of fixed broadband wireless access which has found wide use in commerce. Its advantages include; middle broadband, middle data transmission rate, flexibility in use, high speed in the installation of equipment, less investment and more income, thus providing middle-sized and smalt-sized enterprises with different broadband exchange data, sound and video transmission. It has become an important part of broadband access technology which can not be neglected.
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