
急性期Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内治疗研究进展 被引量:4

Research progress on endovascular aortic repair for treatment of acute Stanford type B aortic dissection
摘要 随着胸主动脉腔内修复术(TEVAR)的广泛应用及迅速发展,腔内治疗已成为了Stanford B型主动脉夹层的一线治疗方法。腔内治疗主动脉夹层的预后除了依赖于术前个体化方案的制定和术中操作者的经验,更依赖于手术指征及时机的掌握。对于急性期复杂性B型夹层,提倡在药物治疗的基础上早期行TEVAR手术;对于急性期非复杂性B型夹层是否可行TEVAR手术仍存在争议。文章主要就急性期B型主动脉夹层行腔内治疗的研究进展进行综述。 With the wide application and rapid development of thoracic endovascular aortic repair(TEVAR),endovascular repair has become the main treatment for Stanford type B aortic dissection.The prognosis of endovascular repair of aortic dissection depends not only on the preoperative individualized preparation,fine and skilled operation,but also on the choice for surgical indication and surgical opportunity.For acute complicated type B aortic dissection,early TEVAR was advocated on the basis of drug therapy.But TEVAR was still controversial for uncomplicated type B aortic dissection during the acute phase.This article reviews the research progress of endovascular repair for treatment of acute type B aortic dissection.
作者 计博斓 田民 刘训强 Ji Bolan;Tian Min;Liu Xunqiang(Department of Vascular Surgery,Affiliated to Yan'An Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming 650051,China)
出处 《中华介入放射学电子杂志》 2019年第3期227-230,共4页 Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology:electronic edition
关键词 STANFORD B型主动脉夹层 胸主动脉腔内修复术 血管成形术 Stanford type B aortic dissection Thoracic endovascular aortic repair Angioplasty
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