

Research on the Professionalization of Mathematics Teachers and Educational Mathematics
摘要 师范教育不仅对当前数学教育的课程进行了明确的规划和处理,同时在推进数学教育改革和研究的过程中也应当将数学教师的专业化水平作为衡量的基本依据和内容之一。 Normal education not only carries out clear planning and processing of the current mathematics education curriculum,but also promotes the professionalization level of mathematics teachers as one of the basic standards and contents of mathematics education reform and research.
作者 张世龙 Zhang Shilong
出处 《科教文汇》 2019年第22期65-66,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 数学教师 专业化 教育数学 研究 mathematics teachers professionalization educational mathematics research
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