
水下传感网络的三维定位算法 被引量:2

3D localization algorithm for underwater wireless sensor networks
摘要 为了进一步提高水下传感网络的节点定位精度,提出基于声信号测距的定位算法(ASRL):将锚节点部署于水表面,且锚节点周期性地传输beacon包;在声信号测距的定位算法中,普通节点先通过声信号的球形传播模型测距,然后再利用获取的测距信息结合欧几里德几何学估计自己的位置;最后通过实验评估ASRL算法的定位性能。仿真结果表明,与LSL算法相比,ASRL定位算法具有较低的定位误差和较高的定位覆盖率。 In order to further improve the accuracy of node positioning for underwater sensor acoustic networks,the paper proposed the acoustic signal-ranging based localization algorithm(ASRL):the anchor nodes were deployed at the ocean surface with periodically broadcasting the beacon package;the distances were measured through a spherical propagation model of acoustic signals by ordinary nodes,and the location was estimated by using the measured 3D positions integrated with Euclidean geometrics;finally the positioning performance of ASRL algorithm was evaluated by simulation.Result showed that,compared with LSL algorithm,ASRL algorithm chould have lower positioning errors and a higher localization coverage rate.
作者 吕品品 LYU Pinpin(Department of Information Engineering,Zibo Vocational Institute,Zibo,Shandong 255000,China)
出处 《导航定位学报》 CSCD 2019年第3期11-16,共6页 Journal of Navigation and Positioning
基金 山东省淄博市2018年度重点研发计划项目(2018kj010132)
关键词 水下传感网络 测距 球形传播模型 欧几里德几何学 定位覆盖率 underwater sensor acoustic networks ranging spherical propagation model Euclidean geometrics localization coverage rate
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