

Study on the Plant Functional Groups Based on the Dominant Herbaceous Species in Shishou David’s Deer National Nature Reserve
摘要 石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区是世界上最大的麋鹿野生种群栖息地,也是长江中游保存较为完好的一块湿地。本研究以石首麋鹿保护区草本植物群落为研究对象,垂直于故道选取典型样地进行群落学调查。以χ^2检验为基础,结合联结系数AC和共同出现百分率PC来测定草本优势种的种间联结及相关性。根据优势种间的联结性在不同生境中的变化来划分植物功能群。结果表明:以优势种为主体对石首麋鹿保护区草本植物进行功能群划分可行性较高。对12种草本植物优势种共划分了3组植物功能群:“阳性湿生型”、“阳性湿中生型”和“阴性湿中生型”。每组植物功能群都有其特定的优势种和分布区,较好地反映了水、热生态因子与植被的关系。研究石首麋鹿保护区的草本植物功能群,不仅有助于揭示保护区植被格局的变化,同时也可为保护区正在开展的湿地修复工程提供一定的理论依据。 Shishou David s Deer National Nature Reserve is the largest habitat for wild deer in the world,and it is also a well-preserved wetland in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.Using community ecology techniques,plant assemblages of the herbaceous species?in the typical quadrats being perpendicular to the Yangtze River Oxbows in Shishou David s Deer National Nature Reserve were investigated in this study.χ^2-test,together with association coefficient(AC)and percentage co-occurrence(PC),were used to measure interspecific associations of the dominant herbaceous species.The plant functional groups were classified according to the interspecific associations and the distributions of the dominant herbaceous species in different habitats.The results showed that classifying plant functional groups according to the dominant species was feasible in the studies of herbs in Shishou David s Deer National Nature Reserve.The 12 dominant herbaceous species formed three plant functional groups,each with its unique spatial distribution and characteristics,were identified:“shade intolerant hygrophytes”,“shade intolerant meso-hygrophytes”and“shade tolerant meso-hygrophytes”.These plant functional groups reflected the relationship between water-heat ecological factors and vegetation well.The results obtained could not only help to reveal the changes of the vegetation patterns in the protected areas,but also provide a theoretical basis for the wetland restoration projects in Shishou David’s Deer National Nature Reserve.
作者 陈卉 徐弘毅 张怀胜 陈中义 魏淑东 李鹏飞 朱建强 Chen Hui;Xu Hongyi;Zhang Huaisheng;Chen Zhongyi;Wei Shudong;Li Pengfei;Zhu Jianqiang(Engineering Research Center of Ecology and Agricultural Use of Wetland,Ministry of Education,Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025;Research Center of Milu Health and Habitat,Yangtze University ,Jingzhou 434025;Institute of Plant Ecology and Environmental Restoration,Yangtze University ,Jingzhou 434025;Administrative Office of David’s Deer National Nature Reserve, Jingzhou 434401)
出处 《湖北林业科技》 2019年第5期6-10,共5页 Hubei Forestry Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(31700360) 湖北省环保科研项目资助(2017HB10) “长江大学湿地生态与农业利用教育部工程研究中心开放基金”项目资助(KF201704) 大学生创新创业训练计划(2017072)
关键词 植物功能群 种间联结 草本植物 优势种 石首麋鹿自然保护区 Plant functional groups interspecific correlation herbaceous vegetation dominant species Shishou David s Deer National Nature Reserve
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