

An Operation Monitoring and Credible Verification Method of Satellite Attitude and Orbit Control Software Components Library Based on Virtualization Technology
摘要 动态系统建模工具可以按照设定的仿真步长对控制器的行为动态模拟,也可以在仿真环境下模拟控制器所在的系统架构和动态数据交互,因此传统的卫星控制系统方案设计时一般采用在同一模型建模体系进行,并进行相应的控制算法设计;但是由于动态系统建模工具其自身的时钟步长和数据流处理逻辑,不能完全模拟目标机的内部ALU逻辑和真实外围设备工作行为,可能与真实物理环境要求的系统有一定的出入,造成对承载卫星控制器功能的目标机CPU处理系统存在一定程度的失真,影响仿真效果;提出了一种基于虚拟化技术的卫星控制系统软件构件库可信验证技术,使用虚拟化技术实现对真实物理目标机功能的完全模拟,运用软件非干涉运行监控技术,获取可信的开发证据和应用证据,利用协同仿真组件和卫星控制系统方案设计的控制算法模型对各个软件构件进行动态同步仿真验证。 A dynamic system model-construction tool can be used to simulate the interaction of system framework and dynamic data,and can dynamically simulate the operation of real target machine,so traditional simulation systems generally are based on same systems to scheme satellite attitude and orbit control system,and to design algorithms.But real peripheral equipments of real target machine for the clock step and data flow processing logic units,and there are still discrepancies between the real physical environment and dynamic model systems,because these systems cannot totally simulate inner ALU logic units and which causes a degree of simulation distortion.It is proposed a credible verification method of satellite attitude and orbit control software components library based on virtualization technology,which contains a complete simulation for virtual target machine to real physical ones,an obtainment of credible development evidence and application evidence using software non-interference operation monitoring technology,and a dynamic modeling and simulation with synchronous simulation components and simulink models.In order to verify all software components in the library,and to validate the algorithms of satellite attitude and orbit control software.
作者 沈怡颹 张程 何益康 林荣峰 朱晏庆 Shen Yiwei;Zhang Cheng;He Yikang;Lin Rongfeng;Zhu Yanqing(Shanghai Institute of Space Control Technology,Shanghai 201109,China;Key Laboratory of Space Intelligent Control Technology in Shanghai,Shanghai 201109,China)
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 2019年第8期125-129,共5页 Computer Measurement &Control
关键词 虚拟目标机 动态系统建模工具 协同仿真 软件非干涉运行监控技术 Virtualization target machine dynamic system model-construction tool synchronous simulation Ssoftware non-interference operation monitoring
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