6Lefevere, A. Translation, History and Culture: A SourceBook, New York and London: Routledge, 1992.
7Bassnett, S & A. Lefevere. Constructing Culture: Essays onLiterary Translation. Clevendon, Phikadelphia. Toronto, Sydney and Johannesburg:Multilingual Matters, 1998.
8Gentzler, E. Contemporary Translation Theories. London &New York: Routledge. 1993, 186.
9Venuti, L Translation as a Social Practice ;or The Violence of Translation. Paper presented at conference, Humanistic Dilemmas:Translation in the Humanities and Social Science,26 - 28 September, at the State University of New York,Binghamton, NY. 1991.
10Bassnett, S & A. Lefevere. Translation, History and Culture. London and New York: Printer Publisher, 1990.