
大数据时代数据分级存储优化方向研究 被引量:1

Research on the Optimal Direction of Data Hierarchical Storage in the Age of Big Data
摘要 大数据时代的到来,使我国在现代化建设过程中对信息化技术的应用不断加深,这也使数据量增长速度不断加快,随之而来的数据存储问题也变得越来越突出。如何对海量数据进行有效存储,大幅提高数据访问率,保障数据安全,已经成为亟待解决的重要问题。而数据分级存储技术的出现,为这一问题的解决提供了可靠的技术支持。鉴于此,本文首先分析大数据时代数据分级存储及其基本要求,然后对数据分级存储的优化方向进行深入研究,以期为我国数据分级存储技术的优化与改进指明方向。 The arrival of the era of Big Data has deepened the application of information technology in the process ofmodernization construction in China, which has also accelerated the growth of data volume, and the consequent prob-lem of data storage has become more and more prominent. How to effectively store massive data, greatly improve dataaccess rate and ensure data security has become an important problem to be solved urgently. The emergence of datahierarchical storage technology provides reliable technical support for solving this problem. In view of this, this paperfirst analysed the data hierarchical storage and its basic requirements in the era of big data, and then made a thor-ough study on the optimization direction of data hierarchical storage, with a view to pointing out the direction for theoptimization and improvement of data hierarchical storage technology in China.
作者 徐晟 XU Sheng(Geomatics Center of Guangxi,Nanning Guangxi 530023)
出处 《河南科技》 2019年第14期25-27,共3页 Henan Science and Technology
关键词 大数据 数据分级存储 优化 Big Data hierarchical data storage optimization direction
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