
“集体”的概念嬗变与农地集体所有制的实现方式 被引量:10

The Evolution of the Concept of “Collective”and the Implementation of the Collective Ownership of Rural Land
摘要 新中国成立以来,我国农地以集体所有制作为制度实施的基石。本文立足于“政府—集体—成员”视角提出了我国农村集体、农地集体所有制的分析框架,强调历史上存在自然式集体、行政化集体、市场型集体三类“集体”概念。我国不同时期农地集体所有制中的“集体”内涵在发生嬗变。人民公社时期,我国农村出现了从自然式集体向行政化集体的转变,集体所有制实现方式是人民公社拥有土地所有权并行使土地使用权。改革开放初期,我国农村的行政化集体逐步转向行政主导、兼顾自然和市场性质的复合集体,集体所有制实现方式是集体拥有所有权、农户拥有承包经营权。伴随着体制改革的深入推进,新时期我国农村的集体概念再次发生嬗变,即逐渐转向市场主导、兼顾自然和行政性质的复合集体,市场型集体将在农村经济中扮演更重要的角色,这种变动推动了农地集体所有制实现方式的持续创新。本文强调应动态理解农村的“集体”概念以及农地集体所有制实现方式,这为深刻认识我国农村经济运行和城乡融合发展问题提供了一个新视角。 The collective ownership has been the basic system of rural land since the founding of P.R.C.From the perspective of“government-collective-members manner”,this paper proposes the analytical framework for China’s rural collective and the collective ownership of rural land,and emphasizes that there are three different kinds of the concepts of“collective”in history,namely,the natural collective,the administrative collective and the market-oriented collective.The collective ownership of rural land in different periods in China has been undergoing transformation.During the period of the People’s Commune,there was a shift from the natural collective to the administrative collective in the rural areas and the implementation of collective ownership was that the people’s commune owned the land and exercised the right to use the land.In the early stage of reform and opening up,the administrative collective in the rural areas gradually turned to the composite collective that was executive-led and took into account the nature and nature of the market.Along with the in-depth advancement of the system reform,the concept of“collective”in the rural areas has changed again in the new era,which has gradually turned to the composite collective that was market-led and took into account nature and administrative nature.And the market-oriented collective will play a more important role in the rural economy,which has promoted the continuous innovation of the implementation of collective ownership of rural land.So the main purpose of this paper is to emphasize the necessity of dynamic understanding on the concept of“collective”and the collective ownership of rural land,which provides a new perspective for China’s rural economic development and urban-rural integration.
作者 高帆 GAO Fan(School of Economics,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《学习与探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第8期111-123,191,共14页 Study & Exploration
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“全面建成小康社会背景下新型城乡关系研究”(17ZDA066) 国家社会科学基金重点项目“我国城乡一体化发展的理论逻辑与实现机制研究”(17AJL010)
关键词 农村土地 集体所有制 “三权分置” “政府—集体—成员”视角 农村经济运行 城乡融合发展 Rural Land The Collective Ownership Measures for Separating Rural Land Ownership Rights,Contract Rights,and Management Rights The Government-collective-members Perspective
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