

An Analysis of Japan’s Small-Power Doctrine after the Cold War
摘要 小国主义与大国主义作为一种政治思潮,主要体现为指导一国不同的发展方向和政策取向的战略意图。从日本近代以来的发展过程看,其大国主义强调的是注重军事在国家力量和国际影响中的权重,甚至不惜走军国主义路线;而小国主义一以贯之的理念是反对军国主义,主张国家发展重心应集中于经济、文化等领域。尽管自近代以来,大国主义长期占据日本社会主流,但小国主义也始终在日本的思想领域占有一席之地,尤其为战后日本和平主义社会氛围的产生提供了重要的理论支撑。现阶段,安倍内阁奉行的是以解禁集体自卫权,修改和平宪法为特征的大国路线,与之相对的是以添谷芳秀的“中等国家”论和鸠山由纪夫的“去大日本主义”论为代表的小国主义。他们认为制约日本“大国梦”的根本因素在于日本国力不可逆转的持续衰落,因此批判安倍内阁的做法脱离了日本的基本国情。他们主张日本应从内心接受自身属于“中等国家”的现实国家定位。这样的观点一方面呈现出近代以来日本小国主义思潮的历史承袭性,另一方面又体现出鲜明的时代特征。而从日本的未来发展趋势而言,小国主义或许为其指明了一条理性的前进道路。 Acting as a small power, just like acting as a great power, is a kind of political doctrine, which can be used as a strategy to guide the policy-making process. Given the history of Japan since its modernization period, Japan’s great-power doctrine emphasizes the role of military both at home and aboard, even at the risk of militarism. On the contrary, small-power doctrine is against the militarism and requires Japan to focus on the development of the economy, culture, and other fields. Although great-power doctrine is the mainstream line of thinking since modernization period, small-power mindset is also an influential theoretical framework for Japan’s pacifism after WWⅡ. At present, the Abe administration is following the great power route by easing restrictions on the military, enhancing the national defense force, and revising the Peace Constitution. By contrast, small-power mentality, such as Yoshihide Soeya’s "middle power" theory and Yukio Hatoyama’s "anti-great Japanism" theory, criticize the Abe administration for ignoring basic reality of Japan’s inevitably decline, which will eventually break Japan’s dream of becoming a great power. These thoughts argue that Japan should embrace its "middle power" status and try to find a corresponding development path based on this national reality. On the one hand, Soeya’s and Hatoyama’s theories have followed the Japan’s small-power doctrine since modernization period;on the other hand, they also reflect the characteristics of the present era. The small-power doctrine may provide a rational path for Japan to pursue in the future.
作者 蔡亮 CAI Liang
出处 《国际展望》 CSSCI 2019年第5期133-152,158,共21页 Global Review
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“战后日本价值观思潮的嬗变与中日关系研究”(14AGJ008)和国家社科基金重大项目“东北亚地缘政治环境新变化与我国的综合方略研究”(13&ZD050)的阶段性成果
关键词 小国主义 大国主义 安倍内阁 美日同盟 中日关系 small-power doctrine great-power doctrine Abe administration U.S.-Japan alliance Sino-Japanese relations
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