
从“空间”到“地方”:城市地方认同建构中的新媒体实践——以微信公众号“平话”为例 被引量:3

From "Space" to "Place" : New Media Practice in the Construction of Urban Local Identity
摘要 “空间”与“地方”同属人文地理学研究领域的概念,但二者之间存在关键差异,而近二三十年从“空间”到“地方”的研究转向为城市传播的议题提供了新的研究切入点。城市传播中的新媒体借助自身传播上的优势,从选取承载“地方意象”的城市“空间”到呈现“空间”中日常生活实践,以及展现代表地方认同内化的独特人物故事,完成从“空间”到“地方”的转变,重新链接起城与人的深度关系,实践着地方认同的建构,也契合了全球化背景下对地方性价值的珍视。 “Space”and“place”belong to the same field of human geography research,nevertheless,there are key differences between them.In the past two or three decades,the study from“space”to“local”has transfered to a new research entry point for urban communication issues.The new media in urban communication relies on its own advantages in communication from the selection of the city“space”carrying“local imagery”to the practice of daily life in“space”and the presentation of unique characters representing internalization of local identity.The transformation from space to place has reconnected the deep relationship between city and people,has undertaken the construction of local identity and has also cherished the value of locality in the context of globalization.
作者 黄林静 HUANG Linjing(Department of Media,Fujian Commercial College,Fuzhou,Fujian 350012,China)
出处 《福建师大福清分校学报》 2019年第4期58-63,97,共7页 Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University
关键词 “空间” “地方” 地方认同 “平话” “Space” “Place” “Place identity” “Pinghua”
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