Most of previous studies on autonomy support were based on variable-centered approach(e.g., investigating the effects of specific autonomy support on some outcomes). The present study adopted person-centered approach to explore the associations among parents’ autonomy support, head teacher’s autonomy support, subjective well-being and loneliness. This study aimed to identify the natural configurations of parental and head teacher’s autonomy support among Chinese adolescents, to investigate the associations among demographic variables and autonomy support profiles, and to examine the differences among those autonomy support profiles on adolescents’ subjective well-being(SWB;indicated by life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect) and loneliness.The Psychological Parental Autonomy Support Questionnaire, Head Teachers’ Autonomy Support Questionnaire, Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale(MSLSS), Affect Balance Scale(ABS), Adolescents Loneliness Questionnaire, and demographic information questionnaires were administered to 2941 adolescents(Mage = 14.58, SD = 1.56). Our sample included 1301(44.20%) males, 1638(55.70%) females(2 participants missed the gender information). We used Mplus 7.11 to conduct latent profile analysis to identify the best number of the potential autonomy support profiles. Then, we conducted multivariate logistic regression to examine the influence of gender, age, Socioeconomic status(SES) on the autonomy support profiles above. Finally, ANOVAs and post hoc tests(Bonferroni) were conducted after controlling demographic variables(gender, age and SES) to reveal the differences among profiles on SWB and loneliness. Results identified four meaningful profiles named as "low parents and moderately high head teacher autonomy support"(5.88%), "medium parents and low head teacher autonomy support"(5.00%), "moderately high autonomy support"(56.21%) and "high autonomy support"(32.91%). Moreover, males and younger adolescents had more likelihood of membership into medium parents and low head teacher autonomy support profile. The associations between SES and autonomy support profiles were insignificant. Additionally, adolescents in high autonomy support profile scored the highest in SWB(indicated by the highest life satisfaction and positive affect, the lowest negative affect), and the lowest in loneliness, followed by moderately high autonomy support profile;adolescents in low parents and moderately high head teacher autonomy support profile scored the lowest SWB and the highest loneliness, even compared with low parents and medium head teacher autonomy support profile. Those findings indicated that autonomy support from parents and the head teacher not only enhanced Chinese adolescents’ well-being, but also protected them against suffering from loneliness, which expanded the application of self-determination theory(SDT). Furthermore, the difference between low parents and moderately high head teacher autonomy support profile and moderately high autonomy support profile indicated that moderately high head teacher’s autonomy support cannot offset the lack of parents’ autonomy support. Low parents and moderately high head teacher autonomy support profile scored also lower than medium parents and low head teacher autonomy support profile in life satisfaction and positive affect. Overall results suggested that the lack of parents’ autonomy support had larger influence on adolescents’ well-being than the lack of head teacher’s autonomy support. The findings shed light on the understanding the associations among autonomy support from different sources, adolescents’ wellbeing and loneliness, and emphasized the importance of parents’ autonomy support.
Li Ruoxuan;Liu Hongrui;Yao Meilin(Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology,Faculty of Psychology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing,100875)
Journal of Psychological Science
parental autonomy support
teacher autonomy support
subjective well-being