

Biology of Pelagic stingray(Pteroplatytrygon violacea) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
摘要 紫魟(Pteroplatytrygon violacea)作为金枪鱼延绳钓中最常见的副渔获物,对海洋生态系统的稳定和物种多样性起着重要的作用。根据2017年7月-2018年2月间我国远洋渔业科学观察员在中西太平洋作业中采集的紫魟生物学特征、渔获等数据,初步研究紫魟的生物学信息。结果发现:(1)紫魟的体盘宽范围在28~66 cm间,优势体盘宽范围在35~45 cm,雌性紫魟优势体盘宽(50 cm)大于雄性紫魟(45 cm),且紫魟雄性最大体盘宽比雌性短;(2)研究捕获紫魟基本已成年,雌雄比达到1︰2.7;(3)摄食等级以0级为主,达41.79%,胃含物中频率最高为沙丁鱼类和鱿鱼类等;(4)紫魟雌雄性体盘宽与体质量的关系式分别为:WR=0.1447TW ^3.3287(n=482,R^2=0.8032)、WR=0.1447TW^ 3.3287(n=482,R^2=0.8032)。 Pelagic stingray(Pteroplatytrygon violacea)is the one of the most common bycatches in the tuna longline fishery.Being an important part of the oceanic food chain,it plays a vital role in maintaining the marine ecosystem.Based on the biological data of pelagic stingray collected by the Chinese pelagic fishery science observers during an operation in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean from July 2017 to February 2018,we preliminarily analyzed the biological information of Pelagic stingray.We found that the body disc width was in the range of approximately 28–66 cm,whereas the dominant body disc width was in the range of approximately 35–45 cm.The dominant disc width of females(50 cm)was larger than that of males(45 cm),and the maximum disc width of adult males was shorter than that of adult females.Moreover,the captured pelagic stingrays had reached adulthood,and the male-to-female ratio was 1︰3.The zero feeding level was dominant with 41.79%.Sardine and squids were most frequently found in the stomachs of pelagic stingrays.In addition,the relationship between the width of disc and round weight in both females and males was indicated using the formulas WR=0.1447 TW ^3.3287(n=482,R^2=0.8032)and WR=2×10^–5TW^2.5365(n=157,R^2=0.7365),respectively.
作者 王杰 戴小杰 高春霞 吴峰 刘攀 WANG Jie;DAI Xiao-jie;GAO Chun-xia;WU Feng;LIU Pan(College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;National Engineering Research Center for Distant-water Fisheries,Shanghai 201306,China;Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources,Ministry of Education,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China;Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Oceanic Fishery Resources,Ministry of Agriculture,Shanghai 201306,China)
出处 《海洋科学》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第5期90-96,共7页 Marine Sciences
基金 农业部远洋渔业观察员项目(08-25) 2018年远洋渔业探捕项目(SZGXZS2018020)~~
关键词 中西太平洋 金枪鱼延绳钓 紫魟(Pteroplatytrygon violacea) 生物学特征 Western and Central Pacific Ocean tuna longline fishery Pelagic stingray biological characteristics
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