

Integrating EP-based Classifiers for Intrusion Detection On Data Streams
摘要 本文提出了一种集成基于EP的分类器用于数据流入侵检测的模型EEPCDS(Ensemble of EP-based Classifiers on Data Stream)。该模型选择滑动窗口中的多个时间段数据来生成多个EP分类器,并且通过加权投票表决对未知样本进行分类,检测入侵行为。EEPCDS能适应数据流环境下的概念漂移,并且能实现较好的目标类召回率和精度的平衡,以及较高的分类准确率。 This paper proposed a new approach,called EEPCDS(Ensemble of EP-based Classifiers on Data Stream),for intrusion detection on Data Stream.EEPCDS constructs fixed number of EP-based Classifiers from different chunks,and integrated these classifiers for intrusion detection.EEPCDS not only has a high accuracy,but also achieves a good balance of recall and precision.
作者 陈猛 CHEN Meng(Information Management Department,The CPC Henan Provincial Party Committee Party School,Zhengzhou Henan 450000)
出处 《河南科技》 2019年第19期11-12,共2页 Henan Science and Technology
关键词 入侵检测 EP 数据流 intrusion detection EP data stream
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