本文研究首位国籍主教罗主教(西文名Gregorio Lopez,1617-1691)的名与字。长期以来,学界将罗主教的中文名字写为罗文藻、字我存,但是根据罗马耶稣会档案馆保存的两份墓志,可知其名实为罗文炤,如同罗主教生前在一本他人著作上的唯一的署名以及罗氏族谱所载;不但如此,根据上述墓志,可知罗主教的侄孙名为罗日藻,这一点得到罗日藻本人所写一封书信的证实;因此,根据中国名字的避讳习惯,罗主教的名字中不可能出现“藻”字。上述墓志也显示,罗主教的字不是我存,而是宗华。值得指出的是,罗文炤讹为罗文藻大约始于19世纪末,而我存之字的发明则迟至20世纪初,其灵感当来自明末著名天主教徒李之藻的我存之字。为此,本文呼吁拨乱反正,摒弃罗文藻之名及其我存之字,而采用罗文炤之名以及宗华之字。
This article examines the Chinese name and zi(a courtesy or style name)of the first Chinese bishop Gregorio Lopez(1617-1691).For a long time,his name has been written as Luo Wenzao(罗文藻),and his zi as Wocun(我存),but two epitaphs in ARSI reveal that his real name was Wenzhao(文炤),which corresponds with his only-remaining signature in a book written by another missionary as well as with the records in Genealogy of Family Luo(罗氏族谱).Moreover,according to the above-mentioned epitaphs,the grandson of his brother was named Luo Rizao(罗日藻),which could be verified by a letter written by Luo Rizao himself.Thus the name of the bishop could not have the character zao(藻),due to the Chinese tradition of name avoidance.The epitaphs also show that the bishop’s zi should be Zonghua(宗华)instead of Wocun(我存).This paper points out that it is not until the end of 19 th century that Wenzhao(文炤)was mistaken as Wenzao(文藻),and Wocun(我存)only came into being at the beginning of 20 th century,which might have been misled by the zi of the famous Chinese Christian scientist Li Zhizao(李之藻).Therefore this paper concludes that Luo Wenzao(罗文藻)and Wocun(我存)should be written as Luo Wenzhao(罗文炤)and Zonghua(宗华).
Journal of Maritime History Studies