

Secure optimized transmission scheme of artificial noise assisted time inversion in D2D cross-cell communication
摘要 针对终端直通(D2D)用户间通信在跨小区环境下被窃听的问题,提出了人工噪声辅助时间反演(TR)的反窃听安全传输方案。首先,在跨小区信道模型下对小区间干扰进行消除;其次,通过基站发送人工噪声辅助TR技术对窃听用户窃取信息能力进行恶化;最后,为了满足蜂窝用户服务质量的需求和系统遍历保密速率最大化,采用凸优化的功率控制分配方案最大化D2D用户发射功率。仿真实验分析说明,与人工噪声方案相比,该方法在信噪比(SNR)一样的情况下提高了0.8 b·s^-1·Hz^-1的可达保密速率,并且随着邻近小区分布数量的增加,所提方案对可达保密速率的提升效果明显。 In order to solve the problem of intercellular eavesdropping in Device to Device(D2D)communication,an anti-eavesdropping secure transmission scheme based on artificial noise assisted Time-Reversal(TR)was proposed.Firstly,the interference between cells was eliminated under the cross-cell channel model.Secondly,the ability of eavesdropping users to steal information was deteriorated by sending artificial noise to the base station to assist TR technology.Finally,in order to meet the needs of cellular users for service quality and maximize the system traversal secrecy rate,the power control allocation scheme with convex optimization was adopted to maximize the transmitted power of D2D users.Through simulation experiment analysis,compared with the artificial noise scheme,this scheme improves the achievable secrecy rate of 0.8 b·s^-1·Hz^-1 under the same Signal-to-Noise Ratio(SNR).In addition,with the increase of the number of neighboring cells,this scheme has improvement on the reachable secrecy rate more and more obvious.
作者 李方伟 周嘉维 张海波 LI Fangwei;ZHOU Jiawei;ZHANG Haibo(College of Communication and Information Engineering,Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Chongqing 400065,China)
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期2658-2663,共6页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61771084,61271260,61102062) 重庆市科委自然科学基金资助项目(cstc2015jcyjA40050) 长江学者和创新团队发展计划项目(IRT16R72)~~
关键词 时间反演 终端直通通信 干扰消除 人工噪声 功率控制 Time-Reversal(TR) Device to Device(D2D)communication interference elimination artificial noise power control
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