

The influence of time pressure and success or failure feedback on college students′ self-efficacy
摘要 采用2(时间压力:高、低)×2(成败反馈:成功、失败)被试间实验设计,探讨不同时间压力和成败反馈对大学生一般自我效能感的影响.实验结果表明:在成功反馈的情况下,高时间压力下的一般自我效能感显著高于低时间压力下的自我效能感;在失败反馈下,低时间压力与高时间压力下的一般自我效能感差异不显著;在高时间压力的情况下,成功反馈下的一般自我效能感显著高于失败反馈下的自我效能感;在低时间压力下,成功与失败反馈的一般自我效能感差异不显著.从而对大学生一般自我效能感的影响因素研究进行了有益补充. The 2(time pressure:high or low)×2(feedback:success or failure)between-subjects experimental design is adopted to discuss the self-efficacy influence on college students under different time pressure and feedback.The experiment result indicates that the self-efficacy under high time pressure is significantly higher than that under low time pressure in the cases of successful feedback;the difference of self-efficacy between low time pressure and high time pressure is not significant in the cases of failure feedback;meanwhile the self-efficacy under the successful feedback is significantly higher than that under the failure feedback in the cases of high time pressure;under low time pressure,the difference of self-efficacy of feedback from success and failure is not significant.Therefore,the research is helpful to supplement the influencing factors of the self-efficacy of college students.
作者 许颖嘉 XU Ying-jia(Youth League Committee,Taizhou University,Taizhou Zhejiang 318000)
机构地区 台州学院团委
出处 《辽宁师专学报(自然科学版)》 2019年第2期95-98,共4页 Journal of Liaoning Normal College(Natural Science Edition)
基金 台州学院培育项目(2017PY006)
关键词 一般自我效能感 影响因素 差异不显著 perceived general self-efficacy influencing factors no significant difference
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