In order to promote pharmaceutical innovations,The Fourth Draft Amendment to the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China published in January,2019 intends to add a compensation system for pharmaceutical industries,the patents of whose products are still in force.However,great prudence should be in order in formulating the specific provisions due to their close relation with the public health.In this paper,we argue that there is still some room for improvement in the current draft patent law,whose provisions are too general.This inadequacy cannot be overcome by Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China.Specifically,there are two types of problems with the articles of the daft amendment to the patent law.Firstly,it fails to contain the necessary basic principles concerning the reviewing procedure,the patent term extension,and the relationship between the drugs allowed to enter the market and their patent rights,which should thus be included therein.Secondly,some articles are not scientific enough in wording:e.g.,limiting the patent protection to the newly-developed drugs makes the scope of protection too narrow;and it is too strict to require that the producers apply for the license for their products to enter the market at home and abroad simultaneously,which will have a negative effect on China’s own original development of drugs and thus should be revised.
Law and Modernization
pharmaceutical patent
compensation for patented products
patent term
marketing control
original drugs