

摘要 护理学是一门不断发展的科学。由于新的研究成果的层出不穷,临床经验的不断积累,我们有必要了解治疗、护理及用药的新变化。本刊的作者和出版者根据他们可靠的科研成就提供了当今最新的护理学资料。但由于人类存在着个体差异及医学的不断发展,人们对既往科研成果有新的认识并使之不断完善,本刊编者、出版者及任何参与本刊出版的团体在此郑重声明:本刊提供的所有资料都是经过严格的审稿程序,并符合出版标准,但在临床中,请在上级专业人员(主管医师,上级护师)指导下使用。对因使用本刊资料而引起的任何医疗差错和事故本刊不承担任何责任。希望读者参照其他材料来证实本刊资料的可靠性。例如,可核对将要使用的药物说明书,在使用本刊资料时,确认本刊提供的资料是否准确及推荐的药物剂量或禁忌证有无改变,对于新药或不经常使用的药物更应如此。 Nursing Science is an ever-changing science.As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge,changes in treat-ment and drug therapy are required,The authors and the publisher of this work have checked with sources believed to be reliable to their efforts to provide information that is complete and generally in accord with jhe standards accepted at the time of publication.However,in view of the possibility of human individual diversity and constant devexOpment in medical sciences,neither the editors nor the publisher nor any party who has been involved in the preparation or publication of this work warrants that the information con-tained herein is in every respect accurate or complete,and they are not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results ob-tained from use of such information.Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources and give medications under the guidance of professional personnel.For example and in particular,readers are advised to check the product in-formation sheet included in the package of each drug they plan to administer to be certain that the information contained in this book is accurate and that changes have not been made in the recommended dose or in the contraindications for administration.This recom-mendation is of particular importance in connection with new or infrequently used drugs.
作者 《全科护理》编辑部 Editorial office of Chinese General Practice Nursing
机构地区 不详
出处 《全科护理》 2019年第26期M0002-M0002,共1页 Chinese General Practice Nursing
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