2017年10月15日,吉尔吉斯斯坦举行总统选举。索隆 拜· 沙里波维奇·热恩别科夫(Сооронбай Шарипович Жээнбеков,简称热恩别科夫)在第一轮中选票超过半数直接当选吉尔吉斯斯坦第五任总统。对于经历了2005年和2010年两次政变的吉尔吉斯斯坦而言,此次选举意义重大。这是吉尔吉斯斯坦独立后首次结束民选总统任期,依法通过选举顺利平稳交接权力的一次选举。本文拟通过概述吉尔吉斯斯坦2017年总统选举情况,重点从部族主义的传统政治文化、阿塔姆巴耶夫(Алмазбек Шаршенович Атамбаев,全称阿尔马兹别克·沙尔舍诺维奇·阿塔姆巴耶夫)任期国内形势、吉尔吉斯斯坦与周边邻国的关系三个影响因素分析此次选举,并对新总统热恩别科夫上任后的执政情况做简要分析。
In 2017,the most important political event of Kyrgyzstan was the presidential election which was held on October 15 th.The result of the election were unexpected,meanwhile had some predictable elements.Sooronbay Sharipovich Jeenbekov(referred to as Jeenbekov)was elected directly as the fifth president of Kyrgyzstan in the first round.Considering two coups in 2005 and 2010 in Kyrgyzstan,this election is of great significance.This is the first time that Kyrgyzstan has ended the term of the presidential election after 1991 and passed the elections in a smooth manner.This paper intends to summarize the stability of the election by summarizing the situation of the presidential election in 2017,focusing on the three influence factors for this election:traditional political culture of tribalism,the gradual stabilization of the domestic situation in Atambayev's(full name is Almazbek Sharshenovich Atambayev)tenure,the importance of developing relations with neighboring countries,and to analyse the ruling situation of new president Jennbekov.
Middle East Studies