1A. Y. Yadfat and Y. Arnon Ohanna, PLO Strategy and Tactics, Croom Helm Ltd., 1981, p. 152.
2Riad El - Rayyes and Dunia Nahas, Guerrillas for Palestine,Croom Helm Ltd., 1976, p.73.
3Muhammad Muslih, Towards Coexistence: An Analysis of the Resolutions of the Palestine, Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. ⅩⅠⅩ No.4.76, Summer 1990, p.9.
4A. Y. Yadfat and Y. Arnon- Ohanna, op.cit., pp.147- 153.
6A. Y. Yadfat and Y. Arnon- Ohanna, op.cit., p.56.
8George J. Tomeh ed. , United Nations Resolutions on Palestine and the Arab - Israeli Conflict, VolumeI: 1947 - 1974, Published by the Institute for Palestine Studies, Washington, D. C. , 1975, pp. 15, 143.
9A. Y. Yadfat and Y. Amon-Ohanna, op. cit., p. 61.