非洲民主化浪潮已经历十年的风雨历程。由于非洲市民社会的弱小和资本主义商品经济不发达 ,以及选举制度上的一些缺陷 ,非洲民主的发展有其特殊的复杂性、艰难性和脆弱性 ,不可能简单复制西方式民主。十年来 ,非洲的民主化建设已搭起一个包括宪法、政党和选举制度在内的民主制度框架 ,初步完成了民主化第一阶段的制度建设。而民主化的第二阶段 ,即民主文化和价值观的巩固 ,以及一系列法律制度的建立与完善则刚刚开始 ,任重而道远。
The democratic trend in Africa has gone through 10 years of trails and hardships. Because of the weakness of the African civil societies, the underdevelopment of the capitalist commercial economy and the flaws in the electoral system, the development of African democracy has the complexity, hardships and vulnerability of its own, unlikely to simply copy Western democracy. In 10 years, African democracy has set up the framework of the democratic regime, which includes constitution, political parties and the electoral system, thus finishing the first stage of system construction. The second stage of the consolidation of democratic cultures and values and the establishment and improvement of a series of legal systems just begins, and there's a long way to go.
West Asia and Africa