目的:探讨安徽省老年慢性病患者的健康素养现状及影响因素,为老年人慢性病防治和健康促进提供科学依据。方法:采用分层抽样的方法,对安徽省各市(镇)和农村60岁及以上的老年慢性病患者(1 895名)进行问卷调查,使用一般情况调查表和《慢性病病人健康素养调查量表》对安徽省老年慢性病患者的健康素养进行测评。结果:安徽省老年慢性病患者健康素养得分为(72.63±14.52)分,具备健康素养的患者占总人数的39.74%。安徽省老年慢性病患者的健康素养在地区、年龄、家庭所在地、职业、子女数、月收入、患慢性病数、文化程度、吸烟史、是否有亲属从事医疗工作上差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。多元逐步线性回归分析显示,安徽省老年慢性病患者的健康素养与地区、年龄、家庭所在地、职业、子女数、月收入、患慢性病数、文化程度、吸烟史存在线性关系(P<0.05)。结论:安徽省老年慢性病患者健康素养较低,应针对影响因素采取相应措施,以提高老年慢性病患者的生存质量。
Objective:To investigate the health literacy status and influencing factors of elderly patients with chronic diseases in Anhui Province,and to provide scientific evidence for prevention and health promotion of chronic diseases in the elderly.Methods:From July to October 2018,by using randomized cluster sampling,we conducted a survey in 1 895 elderly residents with chronic diseases(over 60 years old)living in cities(towns)and rural areas of the north(575 cases),central(950 cases)and south(370 cases)of Anhui Province.the health literacy of elderly patients with chronic diseases in Anhui Province was evaluated by using the general questionnaire and Sun Haolin s Health Literacy Scale for Patients with Chronic Diseases.Results:The health literacy score of elderly patients with chronic diseases in anhui province was(72.63±14.52),and the patients with health literacy accounted for 39.74%of the total number.There were statistically significant differences in health literacy of elderly patients with chronic diseases in anhui province in terms of region,age,family location,occupation,number of children,monthly income,number of chronic diseases,education level,smoking history,and whether relatives engaged in medical work(P<0.05),while no statistically significant differences in gender(P>0.05).Multiple stepwise linear regression analysis showed that there was a linear relationship between the health literacy of elderly patients with chronic diseases in anhui province and their region,age,family location,occupation,number of children,monthly income,number of chronic diseases,education level and smoking history(P<0.05).Conclusion:The elderly patients with chronic diseases in Anhui Province have low health literacy.The health literacy of elderly patients with chronic diseases in Anhui Province family location,was subjected to the inluences by the area,age,family location,occupation,number of children,monthly income,number of chronic diseases,education level and smoking history.Appropriate measures should be taken for the influencing factors to improve the quality of life of elderly patients with chronic diseases.
Yuan Ting;Wang Congzhi;Li Xiangdong(Department of Nursing,School of Nursing,Wannan Medical College)
Journal of Changzhi Medical College
elderly patient
chronic diseases
health literacy