

The analysis for the ways of ideological and political courses in universities to cultivate the public spirits of disabled college students
摘要 随着高等融合教育的发展,越来越多残疾大学生借助大学平台走向社会,公共精神成为他们参与和融入社会公共生活的重要条件。高校思想政治理论课担负着培育残疾大学生公共精神的使命,应坚持公共普遍性与个体特殊性相结合、适应性教育与超越性引导相结合、理论教化与实践反思相结合的培育原则,灵活运用榜样示范法、主题活动法、心理疏导法、自我教育法,讲究选择艺术、交流艺术和评价艺术,着力优化对残疾大学生公共精神的培育途径,促进残疾大学生公共精神的健康成长。 With the rapid development of higher inclusive education,more and more disabled college students have obtained opportunities to participate in social public life through the platform of higher education.Public spirits have become important requirements for them to participate and assimilate into public life.Since the ideological and political courses in universities undertake important missions to cultivate the public spirits of disabled college students,we should optimize cultivate ways.Some principles,methods and art in the ideological and political courses in universities should be studied to better promote the healthy growth of the public spirits of the disabled college students.First,we should insist on three cultivation principles:the principle of combining public universality with individuality particularity,the principle of combining adaptive education with advanced guidance and the principle of combining theoretical education with practical reflection.Second,we should flexibly utilize four basic methods,namely the method of example demonstration,the method of theme activity,the method of psychological guidance and the method of self-education.Third,we should pay attention to three kinds of art,i.e.,the art of choose,the art of communication and the art of evaluation.
作者 张九童 ZHANG Jiutong(The Special Education Research Center,Nanjing Normal University of Special Education,Nanjing 210038,China)
出处 《济宁学院学报》 2019年第4期102-107,共6页 Journal of Jining University
基金 2017年江苏高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目“残疾大学生公共精神培育面临的问题、影响因素及实现路径研究”(2017SJB0663)
关键词 高校思政课 残疾大学生 公共精神 the Ideological and Political Courses in Universities disabled college students public spirits
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