

Study on Technology Diffusion of Sports Equipment Patent R&D Technology Network in China
摘要 以生态学、社会学、技术扩散理论等为基础,应用词频分析法、社会网络分析法,对我国体育器材专利技术不同研发主体内部、研发主体间“生态廊桥综合指数”进行分析,认为:高校内部专利技术扩散相对较好,但专利技术扩散范围较窄;企业内部专利研发数量多、专利技术应用范围广,但核心技术的扩散不足;个人研发的专利技术应用范围较广,但专利技术融合度较低、研发主体网络结构不合理,专利技术扩散不足。高校在我国体育器材专利研发主体网络中对技术扩散发挥了重要作用,“高校-企业合作”研发可改善我国体育器材专利技术扩散;“高校-个人合作”研发可改善技术创新链前端的技术扩散。研发主体间合作可有效促进我国体育器材专利研发技术网络的技术扩散,专利技术研发网络的总体技术扩散与“发明授权”专利技术扩散具有高度相关性,高水平的“发明授权”专利缺乏、不同类型专利的技术融合程度不高是制约我国体育器材专利研发主体网络中技术扩散的主要因素。提高科研水平,在强化“产、学、研”模式的基础上,扩大高校及其他科研机构的体育器材专利研发范围,构建“跨平台混合研发模式”,促进不同研发主体开展多层次合作,有利于研发主体间的技术扩散,对我国体育器材相关技术创新具有推动作用。 Based on ecology,social networking and technology diffusion theory,using word frequency analysis,social network analysis,this paper analyzes the“ecological corridor bridge composite index”of internal and external research subjects in the R&D of sports equipment patent,the results show that the technology diffusion in colleges and universities is the comparatively better,but the scope of technology diffusion is narrow;the number of R&D and the range of application are widely,but the diffusion function of core technology in internal enterprise is insufficient.The internal R&D is large in quantity and wide in application scope,but the degree of technological fusion is low.Individual R&D has a wide range of patent technology applications,but the integration of patent technology is low,the structure of R&D network is unreasonable,and the diffusion of patent technology is insufficient.Colleges and universities play an important role in the proliferation of patent R&D of sports equipment in China,where the cooperation between universities and enterprises can improve the diffusion of technology in the R&D of sports equipment;the cooperation between universities and individuals can improve the diffusion of technology at the front of the technological innovation chain.The cooperation between R&D subjects can effectively promote the technology diffusion of the sports equipment patent.The trend of technology diffusion in patent R&D technology network is highly correlated with the authorized patents for inventions.Lack of high quality invention and low level of integration of different types are the main factors restricting the spread of R&D technology for sports equipment patent in China.Improving the quality of R&D,expanding the scope of R&D of sports equipment patents by universities and other scientific research institutions on the basis of strengthening the mode of“production,study and research”,building a“cross-platform hybrid mode”,and strengthening multi-level cooperation among different R&D subjects,can contribute to the diffusion of technology between R&D subjects,which can promote the comprehensive and harmonious development of sports equipment patent in China.
作者 明宇 伍胜福 MING Yu;WU Shengfu(Nanchang University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330031,China)
机构地区 南昌大学
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期422-427,共6页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14BTY034)
关键词 体育器材专利 生态廊桥综合指数 技术扩散 发明授权专利 实用新型专利 sports equipment patent ecological corridor bridge composite index technology diffusion authorized patent for invention patents for utility models
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