
近10年中国石油公司“争当作业者”战略实施受阻原因分析及建议 被引量:3

Analysis of Reasons Why “Operatorship” Strategy of Chinese Oil Companies Was Held up in Recent Decade and Suggestionson on This Issue
摘要 谋求“作业者地位”一直是跨国石油巨头持之以恒的战略。过去20年中国石油集团国际化经营获得成功的最重要原因就是公司对“争当作业者”战略的长期坚守和高效实施。但近10年来,我国石油公司在新开发、新并购的国际油气项目中已当不上“作业者”,大多是“大小非”项目。究其原因:一是全球陆上常规油气领域的新项目开发、新资产收并购的机会减少;二是近10年油气开发和竞争领域主要集中在深水、天然气及LNG、页岩油气,中国石油公司在上述领域的“作业者能力”尚未成体系,技术和管理能力与国际石油公司相比存在差距;三是近年全球大国博弈、石油地缘政治形势日趋严峻,一些重点资源国政局不稳;四是中国石油公司创新能力不足、体制机制不活、攻坚啃硬乏力,国际化经营“再接再厉”的整体气势不够。对此,我国石油公司亟待深化改革,提升能力,重拾信心。一是继续发挥好中国大型石油企业的比较优势,巩固国际化经营的能力水平;二是加快培育形成针对“大小非”项目的运营管理模式,提升运营监督和投资回收能力;三是必须在深水、天然气及LNG、致密油气开发领域的技术和工程作业管理等方面取得实质性突破,尽快培育相关业务领域的“作业者能力”;四是通过搞活体制机制、改革创新,加大激励力度,吸引人才;五是充分遵照国际惯例与规则管理运作项目,最好能与国际同行结成战略联盟,共同投资和运营一些大型、超大型油气项目。 Multinational oil giants have always carried out the“operatorship”strategy.Effective implementation of the“operatorship”strategy has been the most important factor for CNPC’s success in its internationalized business operation in the past two decades.However,Chinese oil companies have not served as operator in the newly-developed and newly-purchased international oil and gas projects in recent 10 years.Most of the projects see high investment but low proportion of the interests and non-operatorship.There are several reasons for this situation.First of all,there are less opportunities for development of the new projects and acquisition of new assets in global onshore conventional oil and gas area.Secondly,oil and gas development and competition have been concentrated in deepwater areas,natural gas and LNG,and shale oil and gas in recent 10 years.The Chinese oil companies have not established their system for“operator’s ability”in the above-mentioned areas.There is a gap between the Chinese oil companies and their international counterparts in terms of technological and managerial capabilities.Thirdly,the political situation has been not stable in some key resources countries in recent years owing to competitions among the global powers and the increasingly stern oil geopolitical situation.Fourthly,the Chinese oil companies don’t have adequate innovation ability and flexible restructuring mechanisms and are unable to keep an adequate dynamic development momentum for their internationalized business.Therefore,it is of great urgency for the Chinese oil companies to accelerate the reform,improve their abilities and re-establish their confidence.First of all,it is necessary to continually take advantage of China’s giant oil enterprises to enhance their abilities for internationalized business operation.Secondly,it is necessary to accelerate development of the project operation and management model focusing on the projects with high investment but low interests and non-operatorship,while improving the abilities for operational supervision and investment recovery.Thirdly,substantial breakthroughs should be made in technological and engineering service management in the deepwater,natural gas and LNG,and compact oil and gas areas,thus establishing the“operator’s ability”in the related areas as soon as possible.Fourthly,the structuring mechanism should be invigorated on the basis of reform and innovation,using more effective incentives to attract talents.Fifthly,the Chinese oil companies should fully observe the international conventions and rules in management and operation of their projects while entering into strategic alliance with their international counterparts for joint investment and operation of some large-scale and giant oil and gas projects.
作者 陆如泉 Lu Ruquan(CNPC International Department,Beijing 100027,China)
出处 《石油科技论坛》 2019年第4期9-12,23,共5页 PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FORUM
关键词 中国石油 国际化经营 作业者 创新能力 运营管理 战略联盟 CNPC internationalized business operator innovation ability operational management strategic alliance
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