
Design of College English Teaching Based on Flipped Classroom and Its Implementation 被引量:1

Design of College English Teaching Based on Flipped Classroom and Its Implementation
摘要 Flipped classroom is a new teaching mode,which has thoroughly reformed the traditional teacher-oriented teaching mode.It has been vigorously promoted and applied to the classrooms of colleges and universities in China in the educational reform and has achieved certain results.Starting from the definition and characteristics of flipped classroom,this paper focuses on the teaching design based on this mode in college English teaching and puts forward the principles and steps for its implementation. Flipped classroom is a new teaching mode, which has thoroughly reformed the traditional teacher-oriented teachingmode. It has been vigorously promoted and applied to the classrooms of colleges and universities in China in the educational reformand has achieved certain results. Starting from the definition and characteristics of flipped classroom, this paper focuses on theteaching design based on this mode in college English teaching and puts forward the principles and steps for its implementation.
作者 李武祥 LI Wu-xiang(City College of Science and Technology,Chongqing University,Chongqing 402167,China)
出处 《海外英语》 2019年第15期271-272,共2页 Overseas English
关键词 Flipped CLASSROOM COLLEGE English Teaching DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION Flipped Classroom college English Teaching Design Implementation
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