
动态光源位置及照度控制系统的研制 被引量:1

Development of dynamic light source position and illumination control system
摘要 为了加强对动态光源的控制,利用LabVIEW的比例?积分?微分(PID)控制方法,研制了动态光源的位置及照度控制系统。该系统通过控制电机改变光源的位置,采用LabVIEW的PID控制及参数自整定模块对输出电流进行控制,以改变动态光源的照度。研究表明,该系统可有效控制动态光源的位置及照度,在用于检测摄像机动态范围时,能有效提高检测效率及检测精度。 In order to enhance the control of the dynamic light source,the position and illuminance control system of the dynamic light source is designed by using the LabVIEW dynamic light source proportional-integral-differential(PID)control method.The system changes the position of the light source by controlling the motor,and changes the illumination of the dynamic light source by controlling the output current through the PID control and parameter self-tuning module of the programming software LabVIEW.The research shows that the system can effectively control the position and illumination of the dynamic light source,be applied to the detection of the dynamic range of the camera,and improve the detection efficiency and accuracy.
作者 冯文涛 曹民 李抒智 FENG Wentao;CAO Min;LI Shuzhi(School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China;Shanghai Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Research Center,Shanghai 201203,China)
出处 《光学仪器》 2019年第4期80-84,共5页 Optical Instruments
关键词 动态光源 PID控制 参数自整定 LABVIEW dynamic light source PID control parameter self-tuning LabVIEW
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